***New contact no***

Hi, i am Samantha~~Please take note that i havea new Hp no.: 016-6650 586
If u hv any request about cakes or cupcakes,pls don't hesitate to contact me^^


MU theme is coming now!!

Nicole定购给爸爸的生日蛋糕。是我一直想尝试但又没机会做的football theme's cupcakes~~

顾客回馈:thank you very much for the cupcakes designs. Your patience, your kindness, willingly to listen to my request, and most of all your skill and profession.
My brother, whom is a three-years-old loved it very much. In fact, he was the one who finished all of the cupcakes. (He is a big fan of cakes!)
My father was obviously touched by the ideas of the cupcakes, he acted very manly ; but I can see a little of his tears in his red eyes.
He took photos immediately to post on his Facebook, with his iPhone. To show off to his friends :P
As far as I know, his friends are jealous and some of them says it is very nice. Haha! Thank you once again Sam.

